Using the tools on your own system

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It's possible to use the tools we make use of in class on your own system.

The following is the complete list of tools you'll need:

  • The core tools:
    • Apertium, with lttoolbox and other dependencies
    • apertium-lex-tools, apertium-separable, apertium-recursive
    • HFST
    • CG-3
    • lexd
  • udpipe (not needed Spring 2021)
  • Miscellaneous tools (from repo)

Installing core tools

There are three main methods to install the core tools:

Alternatively, you can install VirtualBox and use a Linux virtual machine with Apertium tools installed.

Apertium installation on Debian/Ubuntu (including under Windows WSL)

Set up the Apertium nightly script.

Then install all development packages

$ sudo apt-get -f install apertium-all-dev

That should install all the core tools on your system!

Apertium installation on Mac using homebrew

Install homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for Mac. To install it, open a terminal run the following:

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

This will take several minutes.

Note that you'll probably need the XCode developer tools from Apple to install homebrew. If you don't have them installed, Homebrew may direct you to install them—perhaps automatically—but it may not.

Install dependencies from homebrew

$ brew install gperftools help2man pcre icu4c perl518 gawk autoconf automake pkg-config cmake wget gcc

This will take a couple minutes.

Install apertium core tools and HFST

$ wget -O - | bash

This will take a minute.


Follow these instructions.

Misc tools

First, for morph-test to work, you'll need PyYAML.

On Debian/Ubuntu (including under Windows with WSL):

$ sudo apt-get install python3-yaml

On macOS using homebrew and pretty much any other system where you don't mind bypassing your package manager:

$ pip3 install PyYAML

Then clone the tools repo, being sure to use the --recurse-submodules option (since the repo includes two subrepos):

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

And then run make or sudo make to install the tools to either your local ~/bin directory or the system $PREFIX, respectively.

If the latter, you need to be a system administrator; if the former, make sure you have your ~/bin in your $PATH. How to do this will depend on your shell; in bash, edit your ~/.bash_profile file, and make sure $HOME/bin is in the PATH= list, separated from other entries by :.

Also see