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Developed Resources

Keyboard Tools



Lexical Transfer

Lexical Selection

Contrastive Grammar

Structural Transfer

External Resources

computational resources

(spell checkers, orthography converters, speech recognition software, keyboard layouts, machine translators)


(multilingual and monolingual, online and paper)

  • Short (604 entries) word list. From the bottom of the page: ACD - Austronesian Comparative Dictionary edited by Blust, Robert & Trussel, Stephen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. We can share and adapt the material for any purpose as long as appropriate credit is included.
  • A very limited (one page) word list from a 1962 Linguistics conference. Citation: Torjesen, Ed (1962) "Amis (Taiwan) word list," Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session: Vol. 6, Article 7.
  • A collection of raw text files with word lists and translations in English and Mandarin. Directly from the README regarding the Creative Commons Noncommercial license: 蔡中涵委員 g0v 阿美語萌典計劃使用本字典,以 CC BY-NC 授權宣告
  • Same author as above, more word lists.

grammatical descriptions

(theoretical and pædagogical)

scientific works

(papers, books, websites)


(any collection of authentic text, linguistically annotated or not, including Wikipedia in the language, news websites, Twitter feeds, etc.)